====== II&A ====== > **Summary** > //The ICT Infrastructure and Advice (II&A) group works, mainly, within Fontys ICT. The team is responsible for the day-to-day operational running of the institute in terms of ICT resources/requirements. Furthermore, the team develops applications which are required by Fontys ICT for the proper execution of education. The ICT Student Service Desk (ISSD) provides first line support within the team.// >**Fontys RACI ICT** >//To learn more about how this page fits within RACI, see the RACI domain [[https://raci.fontysict.nl/en/management/|Management]]//. ===== Introduction ===== II&A consists of 4 parts. - Network management; - Developers; - [[..:beleid:ISSD]]; - Purchasing, ICT resources and registration. ===== Network management ===== Network management takes care of the laboratories that are of direct relevance to education. Among other things, it could be mentioned here: NetLab, InfraLab, Webhosting and Database hosting. In addition, network management takes care of the Fontys ICT domain and infrastructure for applications developed for the educational field. Applications such as the survey system, StudentenVolg, Inzet and the inzetmatcher (of which the latter two are both allocation applications). ===== Developers ===== Within Fontys ICT, various Fontys ICT specific applications are developed. Think about this, among other things: StudentenVolg, [[https://portal.fhict.nl/medewerkersplein/PF/Pages/Inzet.aspx|Allocation system]], [[https://apps.fhict.nl/enquete/Realtime|Enquiry system]], [[https://portal.fhict.nl/medewerkersplein/Studentenadministratie/Cijferlijsten%20inleverbox/Forms/AllItems.aspx|Hand-in box]], HRM Workflows, Inkoopsysteem (purchasing sytem), StaffDirectory. ===== ISSD ===== The [[https://portal.fhict.nl/Studentenplein/ISSD/SitePages/Home.aspx|ISSD]] is part of the II&A team and is the desk where employees and student assistants provide first line support to both students and employees. The ISSD is always the first point of entry for questions and wishes in the field of ICT as described on this page. Both Eindhoven (R10 en TQ) and Tilburg have an ISSD that is open every day (outside the holidays) from 08:30 to 17:00 hours. At the TQ-location, the ISSD is open until 19:00 for Education for Professionals (OvP) purposes. ===== Purchase of ICT resources and registration ===== Within the II&A team, the role of ICT Contact Person is fulfilled. The ICT Contact Person maintains contacts with the umbrella ICT organisation. Applying ICT resources is done via a workflow. These can be found under 'Inkoopaanvraag' (purchase application) on the [[https://portal.fhict.nl/medewerkersplein/Inkoopsysteem/Pages/Home.aspx|employee section of the Fontys ICT-portal]] {{tag>Information_systems Educational_organisation Management_(RACI)}}