====== Introduction of new employees ====== >**Summary** >//Explanation of the operation and importance of the introduction of new employees within Fontys ICT//. \\ ===== Reason ===== The [[https://stichtingfontys.sharepoint.com/sites/067_03/SitePages/CAO-HBO.aspx|Collective Agreement for Universities of Applied Sciences]] sets: "In consultation with the personnel group of the IPC, the employer formulates a policy for the introduction of new employees". ((//CAO HBO 2022-2023//, article M-1-e //Introduction of new employees//. Accessed on 16 February 2023 from https://stichtingfontys.sharepoint.com/sites/067_03/Bronnenbank/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2F067%5F03%2FBronnenbank%2FCAO%2Fcao%5F22%5F23%5FNED%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2F067%5F03%2FBronnenbank%2FCAO)) Policy should ensure that new workers are recruited over a maximum period of three years. The training colleague will also be facilitated in time. Beginning lecturers will be facilitated to at least complete the Basic-level Teaching Qualification ([[..:beleid:BKO|BKO]]) to achieve it. ===== Importance and vision of introduction ===== Fontys ICT recognizes the importance of a good introduction; A well-introduced employee will feel involved in the organisation from the outset and will feel that he or she is appreciated for the attention given to a good start. Introducing and training a new employee takes place on 3 different levels: - The Fontys organisation - Fontys ICT - The position to which the new employee has been appointed. ===== Introduction to the Fontys organisation ===== [[https://stichtingfontys.sharepoint.com/sites/067|Fontys HR]] provides a number of fixed components in the introduction programme of the Fontys organisation: * Introduction mail on the first working day. See also the page [[https://stichtingfontys.sharepoint.com/sites/067_05/SitePages/eerste-dag.aspx|new employee]] on the Fontys HR portal for practical information. * Central [[https://connect.fontys.nl/diensten/PenO/inschrijfmodule/Paginas/Agenda.aspx|introduction meeting]] of Fontys. * On the Fontys HR portal the [[https://stichtingfontys.sharepoint.com/sites/067_05/SitePages/Nieuwe-medewerker.aspx?source=https%3A%2F%2Fstichtingfontys.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2F067_05%2FSitePages%2FForms%2FByAuthor.aspx|new employee]] page lists all kinds of things that are important for onboarding, broken down into phases. Starting with the first working day. It is a kind of digital path in which the new employee is taken along with the ultimate destination: being fully facilitated to do his or her job well. ===== Introduction to Fontys ICT ===== Fontys ICT provides twice a year an introduction day for new employees, depending on the intake of new employees. Once in summer (August) and once in spring (February). During this introduction day, during which new employees are given the opportunity to get to know each other, interactive information exchange is central. The programme of the introduction week is laid down in a [[https://fhict.instructure.com/courses/4342|Course: Fontys ICT-Intro]] within [[..:beleid:Canvas]] and is composed in such a way that a new employee has at least become acquainted with it after the end of this day: * the structure and culture of Fontys ICT; * Fontys ICT's educational vision; * the HRM vision of Fontys ICT; * the different roles a lecturer can take; * The way Canvas facilitates the learning environment within Fontys ICT; * the support provided by the Business Office's departments to the teaching staff; * The way in which internal and external communication takes place (e.g. Policy Wiki); * The place on the Fontys ICT portal where information for new employees can be found. As a follow-up to this day, monthly onboarding meetings are scheduled in such a way that at the end of the semester, a new employee has at least been introduced to the institute, their role within Fontys ICT and they have been introduced to a wide range of themes. Topics include: * Scheduling/ allocation; * Content of various curricula; * Inclusive and talent-oriented education Student+; * Research group Fontys ICT; * Structure of the semester; * Quality assurance within Fontys ICT; * Open education. ===== Introduction to the function ===== One of the most important principles in our educational vision is the student centred approach, we also implement this in our induction policy. This means that the new employee can feel welcome and supported by People Manager, Buddy, HR-Fontys ICT and other colleagues when there are questions. Demand-driven introduction helps to optimally implement tailor-made programs for new employees. **Role of the [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_people_manager|People Manager]]:** * Assign Buddy prior to the new employee's first day of work for the duration of the first semester. Buddy is informed of what is expected of him during the onboarding process; * If starting a BKO track: arrange educational specialist support; * On day 1, the People Manager receives the new employee, appoints the Buddy and discusses ( possibly together with the Buddy) the prepared induction program (customization) with the new employee. The new employee is given space (hours) to get adequately settled in. For a maximum of the first 3 years, the new employee receives 40 hours per year (or in case of part-time 40 hours per year in proportion to the employment) to spend on induction; * The People Manager serves as a trusted point of contact that the new employee can turn to with questions, concerns or any difficulties; * The People Manager conducts progress interviews with the new employee every 3 months during the first year, with the last interview (no later than 1 month before the end of temporary employment) being an assessment interview. During the progress talks, the employee's needs are coordinated and it is agreed with the employee what the training period will look like in the second and third year. The content of this depends on the needs of the (new) employee and what the manager considers necessary. Depending on the job, this can vary greatly per employee (from taking speech therapy to coaching, from an Excel course to attending a colleague's lectures, from a course in acquisition to support in developing teaching material). The agreements of both the progress interviews and the assessment interview are recorded in [[..:beleid:ontwikkelcyclus#documenten|Talent Notes forms]]. **Role of the Buddy:** * A Buddy helps orient the new employee within the organization. They can help the new employee get started in their duties, introduce them to the various units of study and teams, and show them where to find important resources and facilities; * The Buddy is the one who takes on the functional induction of the new employee (within OP, the PLOU also has an important role in this). Therefore, it is important that the Buddy is involved in the same implementation; * The Buddy helps the new employee build professional networks within the organization. Introduces him/her to colleagues, recommends important contacts and helps build relationships with other team members. This will promote the new employee's integration and facilitate collaboration; * The Buddy has at least 2-weekly (brief) contact with the new employee during the first semester to monitor the above issues. During the onboarding period ( first semester) a Buddy can give regular feedback to the new employee and answer any questions. ** BKO & [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_onderwijskundige|Role of educational specialist]]:** * New lecturers will be facilitated during their first year to obtain the [[..:beleid:bko|BKO]], whereby they will be supported by an educational specialist from Fontys ICT. If there is sufficient intake, Fontys ICT will strive to form its own BKO class. The added value of this is that new Fontys ICT lecturers can get to know each other (even) better and exchange specific information and questions. {{tag>HR_policy New_employee Terms_and_Conditions_of_Employment}}