====== Assessment Committee ====== >**Summary** >//This page explains the purpose, composition and how this body is anchored within Fontys ICT. It also describes what the assessment committee stands for.// ===== Introduction ===== The Assessment Committee consists of a delegation of members representative of all curricula and its implementation forms within Fontys ICT. The Assessment Committee has a supporting and advisory role with respect to formative review and assessment. Quality, innovation and alignment with the TER (Teaching and Examination Regulations) are central concerns. **The Assessment Committee**: * Thinks along about the vision on education and assessment in line with Fontys ICT's [[..:beleid:oer|TER]]. * Is an active discussion partner for all bodies within Fontys ICT including the [[..:beleid:examencommissie|Examination Board]] and [[..:beleid:ontwikkeloverleg|Curriuculum Development Committee (OO)]] as knowledge partner. * Consists of assessment experts (SKE certified) who advise the [[..:beleid:examencommissie|Examination Board]] and Curriculum Develpoment Committee (OO) as knowledge partners. * Fulfils the role of knowledge circle within the organisation by taking assessment, assessment quality and innovations in the field of assessment, as well as the link between didactics and assessment, to a higher level. Has an active role in coaching and training lecturers in the field of assessment and assessment policy and helps teams with the development and translation into practice. * Has an active role in coaching and training lecturers in the field of assessment and [[..:beleid:toetsbeleid|assessment policy]] and helps teams with the development and translation into practice. **Composition and qualifications:** * Members of the Assessment Committee are SKE-certified, are members of the relevant networks inside and outside Fontys, such as "Fontys learning network - Contemporary assessing" or [[https://lerenvantoetsen.nl/|Platform Leren van Toetsen]] and have assessment expertise in the areas of assessment construction, validity, reliability, and transparency. * Assessment committee members are appointed by management. * The current [[https://portal.fhict.nl/medewerkersplein/Toetscommissie/Pages/Home.aspx|composition of the Assessment Committee]] can be found on the Fontys ICT Portal. ===== Purpose ===== The purpose of the Assessment Committee is to raise assessment to a higher level within Fontys ICT. The committee works on innovation in assessment and didactics where reliability, validity and transparency are central. The Assessment Committee carries out Fontys ICT' s vision on assessment and inspires teams to translate that vision into practice. The Assessment Committee works on assuring quality in assessment and ensures that assessment takes place within the frameworks of the TER. It focuses on the relationship between assessment and student talent development. ===== Advisory role ===== The Assessment Committee acts as a contact point for all lecturers with questions about formative review and assessment. The committee gives specific advice on the organisation of assessment, based on current developments in assessment policy, and supports the Examination Board in assuring test quality. ===== Link with TER ===== The Assessment Committee is involved in the implementation and evaluation of the TER (Teaching and Examination Regulations). The committee ensures that the assessment meets the requirements laid down in the TER and reports on this to the Examination Board. This assessment must meet the established criteria of reliability, validity, and transparency. ===== Tasks and activities ===== During the year, the Assessment Committee undertakes the following activities: * Measure assessment against conformity with the assessment policy and vision of Fontys ICT. This is done per semester. * Randomly checking assessment files, including an analysis of the applicability of the TER rules. * Reporting to the policy chamber of the Examination Board per semester. * Regularly coordinate with the policy chamber and the Examination Board on test innovation and quality. * Organising professionalisation activities for colleagues, such as coaching, workshops, study days and lunch meetings, in line with the objectives of the Fontys Framework Test Quality. * Coaching lecturers in obtaining their Basic Examination Qualification (BKE) and Senior Examination Qualification (SKE) in the field of assessment and didactics. * Communicating about new developments within the ‘Fontys learning network - Contemporary testing’ and towards the rest of the organisation. * Participating in intervision sessions and workshops within the ‘Fontys learning network - Contemporary assessing’. * At the request of the examination board, the assessment committee can be allocated certain tasks. The assessment committee operates independently and has the possibility, if there is reason to do so, to make adjustments in consultation with the Examination Board and the [[..:beleid:beleidskamer|Policy Chamber]]. ===== Reporting and Accountability ===== The Assessment Committee reports periodically to the Examination Board and the Policy Chamber on the progress of test innovations and quality assurance. The frequency of reporting and evaluations is coordinated with the Examination Board, and the Assessment Committee ensures that its findings are recorded on time and according to the agreed quality standards. ===== Professionalisation ===== Professionalisation of the Assessment Committee includes, among others: * Attending conferences. * Obtaining the SKE certification. * Intervision and workshops within the Assessment committee and the ‘Fontys learning network - Contemporary testing’. * Keeping up to date with professional literature and articles on assessment. {{tag>Ambition_Plan Assessment}}