============ APA guidelines ============ >**Summary** >//Brief explanation of APA as standard when using source and literature references.// ===== Application to Fontys ICT ===== As an aid in correctly quoting (and paraphrasing) and referring to sources used in a text, the [[https://www.apa.org/|American Psychological Association]] (APA) has published rules on how to mention references to literature. The APA guidelines are very extensive. In order to make the application of these rules easier, Fontys has created [[https://connect.fontys.nl/diensten/OenO/Studenten%20en%20medewerker%20alle%20bestanden/Auteursrechtinformatiepunt/Vuistregels%20APA%20richtlijnen%20feb%202019.pdf|guidelines]]. Within Fontys ICT, these guidelines are used for references. All students are also required to use these guidelines in their reports. **Practical information and other tools** * By [[https://www.surf.nl/|SURF]], in cooperation with the [[https://www.shb-online.nl/|SHB]], a practical Dutch-language manual [[https://auteursrechten.nl/bronvermelding/handleiding-de-apa-richtlijnen-uitgelegd/|The APA Guidelines Explained]] was published specifically for the application of the APA guidelines in higher professional education; * The [[https://www.auteursrechten.nl/bronnen-vermelden/verwijswijzer-apa-richtlijnen|APA referral guide (download)]]: a brief overview of the APA guidelines; * The [[https://www.auteursrechten.nl/bronnen-vermelden/handleiding-apa-in-word|APA in Word manual (download)]]; * Scribbr offers a [[https://www.scribbr.nl/|APA-generator]] for converting source references in the APA-style. {{tag>Copyright Laws}}