====== Appointment Project Leader Programme Development ====== > **Summary** > //A description of the recruitment and appointment of a Project Leader Programme Development (PLOO).// ===== Vacancy posting ===== If the role of [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_projectleider_onderwijsontwikkeling|Project Leader Programme Development]] (PLOO) is vacant, the vacancy will be published within Fontys ICT and all colleagues will be given the opportunity to respond to it. Employees who have agreed in the [[beleid:ontwikkelcyclus|development cycle]] to develop into a more coordinating role are given preference in case of equal suitability. ===== Appointment process ===== The PLOO appointment process consists of the following steps in sequence: * The Programme Manager (CE) (in coordination with HR), together with an Operations Manager (UM), drafts the profile; * The CE initiates recruitment; * HR publishes the vacancy, registers applicants and, in coordination with the CE/UM, schedules selection interviews; * Selection interviews are conducted by CE and UM; * UM advises the CE on eligibility (also with a view to the future PLOU role); * CE coordinates the proposed appointment with the managing director; * The managing director appoints the PLOO; * The CE informs the appointed and rejected candidates; * The CE informs the People Manger (PM) of the appointed and unappointed candidates; * The CE informs the PM of the affected employee of the arrangements made; * The PM ensures the mutation of the role by completing the workflow; * Upon completion of educational development, an appointment as a PLOU may follow; * After a positive evaluation by UM/CE and in coordination with the PLOO, the CE shall nominate the appointment as PLOU to the managing director; * The managing director appoints the PLOU for a 1-year appointment; * The CE informs the PM; * The PM ensures the mutation of the role by completing the workflow; * After a positive evaluation by UM/CE after 1 year, the UM nominates the appointment as PLOU to the managing director and informs the PM; * This evaluation is recorded using the [[https://portal.fhict.nl/medewerkersplein/PersoneelEnOrganisatie/Shared%20Documents/Evaluatieformulier%20aanvullende%20rol.doc?Web=1|Evaluation Form Additional Role]]; * The managing director appoints the PLOU; * The PM completes the workflow so that the employment condition consequences of the appointment can be processed by HR, in accordance with [[..:beleid:benoeming_projectleider_onderwijsuitvoering#arbeidsvoorwaarden|the policy appointment PLOU]]. ===== Terms and conditions of employment ===== After his appointment, a PLOO receives an allowance of one periodical in scale 12. If the PLOO is already Lecturer 1, he will not receive an allowance. {{tag>HR_policy Terms_and_Conditions_of_Employment}}