============ Retention periods tests ============ >**Summary** >//An overview of the established retention periods of tests, reports, test assignments, response models, etc.// ===== Retention periods ===== The retention periods of tests, reports, test assignments, response models, etc. are laid down in the [[..:beleid:OER|TER]]((Article 40 of the TER https://fontys.nl/Over-Fontys/Regelingen-statuten-en-reglementen/Onderwijs-en-examenregelingen-OER/Fontys-Hogeschool-ICT.htm)). Table 1 shows the retention periods set for each subject (category). >**Table 1** >//Retention periods of test material per subject (category).// \\ ^ Subject ^ Retention period ^ | Completed tests digitally made as well as on paper | at least 6 months (possibly longer, if necessary, for an appeal case) | | Tests at a final level, papers etc. | 7 years | | Test assignments or questions and answer models | 7 years | | Representative set of tests | 2 years | | Assessement of tests (= list of grades drawn up by the examiner) | 10 years | For an extensive table of retention periods, please consult the [[https://connect.fontys.nl/diensten/OenO/Paginas/Bewaartermijnen.aspx|diagram]] of Dienst Juridische Zaken. ===== Storage of documents ===== Agreements have been made per team about the repositories of the various documents, which are in line with the Fontys ICT policy. The relevant [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_people_manager|People Manager]] ensures that the repositories and retention periods are used. {{tag>Information_management Testing}}