====== Binding Negative Study Advice ====== > **Summary** > //Explanation of Binding Negative Study Advice // \\ A Binding Negative Study Advice (BNS) can be given until September 2024 to a student of the full-time Bachelor and Associate degree programme after one year of study programmes if he did not pass the first semester taken. The exact rules and conditions can be found in article 32 of the [[..:beleid:OER]]((View the [[https://fontys.nl/Over-Fontys/Regelingen-statuten-en-reglementen/Onderwijs-en-examenregelingen-TER/Fontys-Hogeschool-ICT.htm|additional page]] here)). If the student wishes to submit an objection against this decision, this does not require a request for a review to be submitted to the examination chamber, but the student must appeal via the [[..:beleid:Cobex]]. Fontys-wide, a portal has been set up for [[https://connect.fontys.nl/fontysbreed/studentenloket/Paginas/home.aspx|appeals, objections and complaints procedures]] where all information on this can be found. From September 2024, negative advice regarding the continuation of studies is no longer binding and students can remain enrolled despite the advice. {{tag> Assessment Examination Board}}