====== Quality ====== >**Summary** >//Description of the Fontys ICT quality vision.// ===== Introduction ===== This page describes how Fontys ICT sees quality. First of all, Fontys' quality policy as an institution is briefly summarised before the Fontys ICT policy is explained in more detail.\\ Our principles of quality are:\\ - The people of Fontys ICT and its environment are the main source of success; - Students and staff are in charge of their own jobs and development; - As a high trust learning organisation, we know that making mistakes comes with the territory; - Management supports and practices servant leadership; - What must be done centrally is done centrally; what can be done decentrally is done decentrally. ===== Quality policy within Fontys ===== In [[http://wijzijnfontys.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Fontys-Kwaliteitsbeleid_LR.pdf|Kwaliteit volgens Fontys ​Hogescholen]] (Quality according to Fontys Hogescholen) (2018) Fontys' quality criteria and quality objectives of Fontys are described in context. The vision and mission are expressed as follows: Fontys is an educational institution that allows students to 'grow through attention and challenge’. >"According to Fontys, at its core, quality is about achieving a clear mission: to offer inspiring, challenging and high-quality higher professional education and to conduct practice-oriented research that is meaningful for society. Education and research meet current and future demands and the needs of students, the professional field and (regional) society" (Fontys, 2018. p. 8). This Fontys-wide [view] resonates strongly within Fontys ICT . The principles of the quality portfolio have also been adopted; transparency is expressed, for example, in this policy wiki. Moreover, as an expression of our culture of quality, we attach great value to dialogue. We are careful with 'hard' data, from the awareness that in a complex organisation these should always be placed in perspective. Through dialogues, a nuanced interpretation is pursued. ===== Quality policy within Fontys ICT ===== Quality and the associated culture of quality are self-evident items. We strive to "spark" rather than "tick".\\ Fontys ICT quality policy is based on trust. Giving trust and giving space to self-direction, talent development and ownership strengthen quality. Our quality system, which takes the form of the IMWR (Inspire Mobilize Appreciate Reflect) cycle combined with the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle, is consistent with this premise. This manifests itself in education through a focus on the operational level, the semesters, where the Project Leader Programme Implementation (PLOU) together with a team of lecturers and work field partners bear a major responsibility for quality. They take direction and feel ownership for the semester. They operate within global frameworks that ensure consistency between semesters. These frameworks are facilitated and monitored in terms of design by Programme Managers (CE's), in terms of implementation by Operations Managers (UM's) and in terms of staff by People Managers (PM's). The professors inspire education, facilitate and strengthen research quality and connect with (regional) partners. A team of educational specialists is available for advice and support and the assessment expertise of the assessment committee. The managing director is an important actor on a strategic level by connecting the outside world, the Fontys Executive Board (CvB) and the internal organisation of Fontys ICT . ===== Meaningful quality cycles ===== 'Continuous improvement' is done systematically through the PDCA cycle in all parts of the organisation. In addition, besides the PDCA cycle, we embrace the people-centered approach IMWR (Inspire, Mobilize, Value, Reflect) of the INK((INK. (2016, March 30). PDCA & IMWR. Retrieved from http://www.ink.nl/model/pdca-imwr)). We distinguish cycles at the operational level (i.e. the semester), tactical (i.e. per programme, class location or cluster) and strategic (i.e. at the institution level). This means at the semester level (operational): * The Programme Manager and PLOU discuss current developments (Inspire); * The PLOU prepares the semester, including study materials (Plan); * The necessary lecturers, materials, facilities, work field partners are allocated (Mobilize); * The semester takes place (Do); * Halfway through, the semester is evaluated by students via a survey, followed by an oral evaluation with students to interpret the results. An educational specialist, UM or CE is present at this oral evaluation (Appreciate); * The PLOU collects and analyses the survey data and reports. The PLOU evaluates with the lecturers and work field partner(s) (Check); * The PLOU, in coordination with CE and UM, reflects on the quality data collected during the semester (Reflect); * The PLOU formulates and implements improvement proposals so that the objectives will be better met. These are also mentioned in the programme guide for the next cohort (Act). For the quality cycle at **tactical level**, quality data are discussed twice a year by the quality platform. Via a power BI dashboard, there is insight into efficiency and student satisfaction at the level of , for example, a programme or teaching location. There are also qualitative data: every UM staff member, together with an educational specialist or quality assurance officer, conducts evaluation interviews with students from a number of semesters. Any improvement actions taken by the quality platform are shared transparently and widely. At **strategic level**, the Fontys-wide Macon-Marap cycle with the Executive Board plays an important role. This invites the preparation of a plan, evaluation and adjustment at institute level. ===== Study Programme Accreditations ===== In addition to internal quality cycles, there is an **external quality cycle** focused on accountability for our quality, in the form of programme accreditations. Although these take place every 6 years, we strive to ensure that the Associate degree, Bachelor's degree and Master's degree programmes continuously meet the [[https://www.nvao.net/nl|NVAO]] requirements set by the government((NVAO (2018). //Beoordelingskader accreditatiestelsel hoger onderwijs Nederland//. Consulted at https://www.nvao.net/files/attachments.89/Beoordelingskader_accreditatiestelsel_hoger_onderwijs_Nederland_2018.pdf)), based on the internationally established [[..:beleid:dublin_descriptoren|Dublin descriptors]] for existing bachelor study programmes; The interim internal audits that Fontys Audit conducts with us are helpful to get an indication of how the study programme is doing halfway through an accreditation term. ===== Important bodies in quality assurance: examination board, JDPC and IPC ===== The WHW defines the responsibilities, duties and rights of the [[..:beleid:examencommissie|examination board]], [[..:beleid:medezeggenschap|JDPC (GOC) and IPC (IMR)]]. Together they monitor from an independent position the quality assurance of the assessment and final level (examination board) the study programmes (JDPC) and the institute (IPC). They give solicited or unsolicited advice and, depending on their specific role, are involved in innovations in, for example, the curriculum or assessment policy. ===== Quality data ===== In order to be able to measure quality topics, Fontys ICT uses a number of measurement and evaluation instruments. Table 1 shows which measuring instruments and evaluations we use and with which frequency.\\ \\ >**Table 1**\\ //Used measuring instruments and evaluations with frequency.// \\ ^ ^ **Measuring instrument** ^ **Target group** (who is measured) ^ **Frequency** ^ | External, national | Educational accreditation | Lecturers, students, alumni, management, examination board, GOC, assessment committee and work field | 1 x per 6 years | | | HBO-monitor | Alumni | 1 x per year | | | National Student Survey (NSE) | Currents students | 1 x per year | | Fontys Internal | Internal audit by Audit | Employees and students | 1 x per 6 years | | | Fontys Employee Satisfaction Survey (MTO) | Employees | 1 to 2 times a year | | | Startthermometer | New cohort students | 1 x per year | | Fontys ICT Internal | Input from Strategic Advisory Board | Strategic Advisory Board | 4 x per year | | | Input Professional Field Advisory Committee (WAC) | WAC per architecture layer | 2 x per year | | | Internship survey | Internship students in third year, lecturers, company supervisors | 2 x per year | | | Graduation survey | Recent graduates | 2 x per year | | | Educational evaluation, lecturer evaluation | Students | 1 x per semester | | | Exit survey employees | Employees leaving Fontys ICT | if applicable | | | Key figures analysis by Planning & Finance | Institute-wide | on demand | | | Evaluation partners in education (PiE) | Partners in Education | 1 x per year | | | 100-day interview new employees by HR | New employees | if applicable | {{tag>Quality Internship}}