====== Pension and AOW ====== > **Summary** > //This page provides information about the pension provision under the collective labour agreement (CAO) for higher professional education (HBO). In addition, this page describes the Fontys ICT policy on working after retirement age as part of the [[..:beleid:hr-beleid|HR-policy]].// ===== Pension===== Fontys employees build up a pension with Pensioenfonds ABP on the basis of the collective labour agreement (CAO) for higher professional education (hbo). More information can be found on the [[https:// stichtingfontys.sharepoint.com/sites/067_03/SitePages/Pensioen.aspx|Fontys P&O portal]]. At ABP, the retirement age is linked to the state pension age. On the [[https://www.svb.nl/nl/aow/aow-leeftijd/uw-aow-leeftijd.html|website of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB)]] you can consult a handy tool that calculates the AOW (General Old Age Pensions Act) age when the date of birth is filled in. ===== Continuing to work after the AOW age ===== The collective labour agreement (cao-hbo) stipulates that the employment contract shall end when the employee reaches the age on which he becomes entitled to state pension (AOW), unless the employer and employee agree otherwise. It is therefore possible for an employee to continue working after the state pension age, but it is certainly not compulsory. The manager may decide to terminate the employment on the state pension date, even if the employee would prefer to continue working until the former state pension date. An employment contract that expires on reaching the state pension age may be followed by a fixed-term employment contract on the basis of an employment contract in accordance with article D-4 of the collective labour agreement (cao-hbo. This fixed-term employment contract shall then end by operation of law on the agreed termination date. On the basis of the collective labour agreement (CAO) it is possible to agree a maximum of 3 fixed-term employment contracts within 2 years after the state pension age. ===== Fontys ICT principles for continuing working after AOW age===== Fontys ICT applies the principle that employees who reach the AOW (state pension) age, do not continue to work at Fontys ICT. As a result, the departing employee makes way for a position that can be filled by a younger generation. Continuing to work for Fontys ICT after the AOW age is only possible if it is at the request of and in the interest of Fontys ICT. Whether there is an interest of Fontys ICT is judged by the managing director. The underlying principle is that the position that the AOW entitled employee leaves behind requires exceptional expertise in a position that is difficult to fill. {{tag>HR_policy}}