====== Role description Project Leader Programme Implementation ====== > **Summary** > //Description of the purpose, tasks and responsibilities of a Project Leader Programme Implementation (PLOU).// ===== Target ===== The purpose of the PLOU's role is to lead a Fontys ICT unit of study (OE) in such a way that the educational activities in that unit can be carried out in the best possible way. ===== Handbook PLOU ===== The PLOU has an important pivotal role within Fontys ICT. For the benefit of a good on-boarding of new PLOUs and at the same time intended as a reference work for all (appointed) PLOUs, the [[https://portal.fhict.nl/medewerkersplein/ID/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/medewerkersplein/ID/Informatie%20Directie/Handboek%20PLOU/Handboek%20PLOU%202024-02-02%20%20en-GB.docx&action=default|Handbook PLOU]] has been compiled. ===== Powers, tasks and responsibilities ===== **Prior to programme implementation** * Provides information (for intake and advancement), intake interviews for the unit of study and advises the examination chamber on admission to the unit of study; * Fills the Inzetmatcher with tasks for lecturers in a timely manner; * Coordinates allocations with lecturers; * Plans (schedules) educational activities and locations, in consultation with UM as well as other PLOUs within the same OIL; * Is responsible for the maintenance of the digital learning environment, materials, licences as well as information material. Publishes study materials in time for the next performance of the unit of study; * Is responsible for meaningful coherence between the educational activities within the unit of study; * Is responsible for arranging a meaningful contribution by one or more partners in education of innovation (PiE or PII) within the unit of study. **During programme implementation** * Bears responsibility for the content, didactic design, implementation, assessment, and quality of education; * Leads the team of lecturers in his/her unit of study (OE). Gives feedback to lecturers the implementation of work within the unit of study and provides input for assessment cycle; * Is responsible for conducting education evaluations and translating them into improvement actions to be implemented, development task requests; * Informs students about education within the unit of study; * Plans and organises formative and summative assessments; * For students, the PLOU is the first point of contact for the organisation of education within the unit of study. **Completion** * Organises assessor meetings for the students in his/her unit of study in coordination with the [[..:beleid:student_desk]]; * Compiles assessment file in accordance with the instructions of the assessment committee. **Further** * Contributes actively to the WAC and to the focus document, by actively following developments in the field of expertise; * Coordinates with other PLOUs of the same unit of study as far as different versions are concerned (Course Based/Demand Based, 040/013, AD/Bachelor of Science and Education for Professionals (OvP) ). **Mandate**\\ The PLOU has access to a budget of hours for the allocation of lecturers and possibly student assistants. The PLOU has access to a financial budget, depending on the unit of study, for organising activities with students. **Place in organisation**\\ The PLOU is a member of the curriculum team of the course unit of study. Aligns content and didactics with Programme Manager (CE). The PLOU reports to UM regarding the organisation and quality of education. ===== Contacts ===== * with Lecturers ([[..:beleid:inzet_proces|allocation]] and [[tag:onderwijsorganisatie|programme implementation]]) * with [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_people_manager|PM]]'s (deployment and development of lecturers) * with [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_uitvoeringsmanager|UM]]'s (allocation, education (activities) and location) * with [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_curriculumeigenaar|CE]]'s * with [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_onderwijskundige|Educational Specialists]] * with [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_lector|Professors]] * with [[..:beleid:roosterproces|Scheduling]] ===== More information ===== A description of the recruitment, appointment and terms and conditions of employement of a Project Leader Programme Implementation can be found [[..:beleid:benoeming_projectleider_onderwijsuitvoering|here]]. {{tag>HR-beleid}}