
Attendance and working from home

This page describes the policy for on-site attendance and working from home for Fontys ICT.

Work location

The location where you perform your work follows the activities you do. The coffee room, an OIL, a consulting room, call box, front desk, staff room or outside the door. We are a meeting place to come together to learn and develop. That is why we see each other on location. Colleagues, students and partners-meet in our buildings.â

At all timetabled moments and scheduled meetings, you are present in our building. For activities with students, you make sure you are present on time and set an example for students in this.

Working from home

For some types of work, it may be more convenient to carry it out from home. You can organise your unscheduled and scheduled work in such a way that you cluster it and carry it out from home. This is allowed, in consultation with your colleagues, and this flexibility is facilitated with the Fontys home working regulation. How you deal with this is a topics in the annual development discussion, with your manager (‘Agreements on working from home’). We do not promise fixed homeworking days, because your availability is needed for scheduling and planning education and other work and for consultations or other joint activities.


If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your PM.