
Tasks and responsibilities of the Examination Board

A description is given here of the general tasks and responsibilities of all members of the examination board and of the specific tasks per role within an examination chamber.

Tasks and responsibilities of all members

Each member must be able to:

For this, he should be able to:

Specific tasks and profile per role


The chairman of the policy chamber is responsible for the proper functioning of the examination board. The chairman of the examination chamber is responsible for the decisions taken within his chamber. In the absence of the chairman, the deputy chairman shall take the place of the chairman. The deputy chairman shall have the same tasks and responsibilities as a chairman, but may only sign with an indication of her function as deputy chairman. A deputy chairman has been appointed in advance for the policy chamber; the chairman of the policy chamber appoints a deputy chairman for the examination chambers. Tasks:

This means that the chairman should be able to:

  1. lead the examination board;
  2. develop policy and establish procedures and rules as prescribed by the WHW;
  3. shape and monitor the independence and professional functioning of the examination board;
  4. communicate at various levels;
  5. be aware of the developments with regard to legislation and regulations (e.g. WHW) and testing and examination and the correct interpretation and application of rules and acting accordingly.

Official Secretary

The official secretary is responsible for the proper conduct of the proceedings and is accountable for proper reporting and correspondence.

The work of the official secretary consists of:

The official secretary has specific expertise with regard to:


The secretary of the policy chamber is replaced by the deputy secretary in his absence. He has the same tasks and responsibilities as a secretary, but can only sign with an indication of his position as deputy secretary. If the secretary of the executive chamber is absent, the chairman shall appoint another examination board member for this purpose. The secretary of the policy chamber can be supported by an official secretary (no member, no right to sign).

The activities of the secretary consist of:

The secretary has specific expertise with regard to:

External member

An external member shall be subject to the same requirements as any other member. The specific task of the external member is to help safeguard the independence of the examination board. Some members of the policy chamber have specific expertise: the assessment expert and the study programme expert.

Assessment expert

Within the board of examiners, the assessment expert has a special function in monitoring the assessment quality and advising the study programmes with regard to assessment and its assurance. The assessment expert has specific expertise with regard to the:

(Study) programme expert

The study programme expert is a representative of a programme or group of programmes. The member representing the study programme must be well informed about all relevant study programme matters such as professional and study programme profile, educational programme, assessment policy and programme, TER, internship and graduation regulations, etc.