Table of Contents

Business emergency response (BHV)

Information on the in-house emergency response within Fontys ICT and Fontys .

There is an emergency situation. What can I do?

In an EMERGENCY situation, call 112 immediately

In an emergency situation within Fontys, you also call 119 (08850-77119).
You will then reach the emergency room, which can alert the appropriate BHV officers at the scene and support you with the national emergency services.

Safe within our sites

By clicking on the image in Figure 1, you can watch the film on how you can help keep our sites safe:

Figure 1
Instruction video for Fontys employees: what to do in case of an emergency at Fontys .

Copyright: Fontys CC-BY

Additional information

For general questions, please contact the BHV team leader at your location. In the employee overview, click on the “Organisation Roles” button, then choose the role BHV, then click on “view report”.

More information can be found at Fontys: Business Emergency Response (BHV).

Figure 2 shows the instructions that apply within Fontys in case of emergencies.

Figure 2
Calamity instructions: what to do in case of a fire or accident .

Copyright: Cura Advies en Training B.V. Production commissioned by Fontys.