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During the end phase of their studies, students can participate in a minor. This minor is a deepening or broadening of the study programme. Minors can be taken at one of the other Fontys institutes, at a higher education institution abroad, but Fontys ICT also offers its own minors in various forms. However, no minor secures the final level of the study programme. It is up to a student to demonstrate this in the end phase through a profile, specialisation or within the Personalised Program.

Minor choices

There are different types of minors. Fontys ICT itself offers a number of training minors within the HBO-ICT field of expertise, such as the Virtual Reality minor, for example. Fontys also offers a number of Fontys minors. However, these do not fall within the HBO-ICT field of expertise. Health TEC is a good example of this. To reduce and ease the transition to university, there is also the possibility of doing a switching minor that prepares for this. There are programmes for TU/e, Tilburg and JADS. Finally, there is also the possibility of doing a minor outside Fontys and abroad.

Minors can be both broadening and deepening for participating students. For example: The programme minor Embedded Systems has a deepening programme for Technology students and a broadening programme for other students. The same goes for the Fontys minor Digital Experience Design: this is a deepening minor for Media Design students and broadening for other students.

The Fontys ICT's range of minors, together with an explanation for students, can be found in the Study Navigator - Minors.

Minor types

Minor policy Fontys ICT

The minor offer of Fontys ICT is evaluated annually (in February) by the Curriculum development committee (OO). Topics of the evaluation are: quality of the execution, content of the minor offer and appreciation of and participation by students. In addition, new initiatives by lecturers will be discussed. On this basis, the Curriculum development committee (OO) advises the Fontys ICT (Extended) Leadershipteam for the new minor offer of next academic year: which minors will continue, which will stop and which new minors will start. For more details on starting and stopping minors, see: Management decision 'Working method main subjects Fontys ICT'


The portfolio holder Minors of the Fontys ICT (Extended) Leadershipteam is responsible for:


The educational development is driven by the Programme Manager (CE) of the minor in question. See also minor offer in Studynavigator.


The Operations Managers (UM's) are ultimately responsible for the educational implementation (allocation, scheduling, accommodation, budgeting). The relevant Project Leader Programme Implementation (PLOU) is responsible for each minor.