Table of Contents

Curriculum development committee (OO)

Description of the composition and responsibilities of the Curriculum development committee (OO).


The Curriculum development committee (OO) (or curriculum committee) meets regularly for consultation and consists of one Programme Manager (CE) for each of the 5 architectural layers from the HBO-i 'cube’, one Programme Manager for Open Learning and one Project Leader Educational Specialists. The Manager Development fulfils the role of chairman.


The Curriculum development committee (OO) is responsible for the design and quality of all education offered by Fontys ICT, both in terms of content and didactics; in all variants and at all locations. The Curriculum development committee also ensures that education is carried out as intended.
The Curriculum development committee is allocated a development budget, manages this and ensures that it is spent as usefully as possible. The division of responsibilities within this Curriculum development committee (OO) takes place on the basis of an agreed portfolio allocation (this includes the first semester, the specialisations and minors). Each member has his own substantive focus, but together they are responsible for the whole.