Role description Coordinator Academic Transfer
A description of the purpose, tasks and responsibilities of the Coordinator Academic Transfer.
In order for Fontys ICT to be an attractive study programme for ambitious students and potential entrants, facilitating the transfer to master's programmes is the best trump card. These transfer possibilities must be safeguarded.
The Coordinator Academic Transfer ensures that Fontys ICT students have sufficient opportunities to transfer to Master's study programmes that match the substantive choices they have made within the study programme. These transfer opportunities make the Fontys ICT bachelor's study programme attractive to ambitious students.
The (role of) Coordinator Academic Transfer:
- Maintains contacts with (partner) universities for:
- covenants;
- substantive connection;
- applications from students;
- involving stakeholders within Fontys ICT, in particular: managing director, examination board and the Curriculum development committee (OO);
- Informs (prospective) students about the possibilities and conditions for transfer to (partner) universities;
- Provides M&C with the content about the specialisation Academic Preparation, pre-master as minor programmes and subsequent masters for 'study navigator’;
- Advises the OO on (coordination of) substantive connection with adjoining masters of basic profiles and specialisations;
- Can be combined by 1 person with the semester coordinator-ship Academic Preparation.
A budget of 40 hours per semester is available for this.
The Coordinator Academic Transfer keeps in touch:
- (Partner) universities;
- Managing director;
- Examination Board;
- OO.