
Appreciation of special performances students

Students who perform particularly well outside the curriculum during their studies can be valued by lecturers with a letter of recommendation or certificate. This is not registered centrally within Fontys ICT.


Special, Fontys ICT related achievements of students during their studies and in addition to the regular curriculum, can be endorsed by lecturers. Students may then be able to receive a certificate or letter of recommendation indicating these extra efforts. The student can make these extra achievements visible on his CV and thus increase his starting position on the labour market. During the school career of the student several special benefits may be recognised. It is up to the lecturer or team of lecturers involved to assess whether a special performance deserves recognition in the form of a letter of recommendation or certificate (see example). This recognition is therefore always given in a personal capacity by the lecturer concerned.

The (former) core team of Fontys ICT decided in April 2016 that these certificates or letters of recommendation would be available within Fontys ICT no central administration is maintained.

Special performances

Special performances may include the following:


When a student considers himself eligible for a certificate or recommendation, he shall, as soon as this activity is completed, on his own initiative, submit a request for recognition of the performance in question to the relevant lecturer. The student also provides proof of this. The relevant lecturer ensures the appropriate handling of the agreement himself.

Management activities

Management activities (IPC, DPC etc.) fall outside this arrangement because for this purpose a separate arrangement applies (see Article 15 of the TER and element 6.1. of the diploma supplement).

Extracurricular activities

Bonus Badges can be issued for extracurricular activities carried out as part of a programme approved by the Examination Board and also for administrative activities. For more information on Bonus Badges (and on Edubadges in general) see Edubadges and Bonus Badges.