Table of Contents

Criteria for internship and graduation

Description of the criteria for internship and graduation for an assignment at an external company or institute, at an own company or at a Fontys research group.


A student can choose from three forms of internship or graduation:

  1. At an external company or institution;
  2. In an own company or;
  3. At a Fontys ICT research group.

Internship and graduation must be carried out in fundamentally different contexts. Below you will first find the general criteria that apply to all forms of internship and graduation. After that, the additional criteria for internships and graduations in an own company and for internships and graduations at a Fontys ICT research group 1) are given.

General criteria for internship or graduation

For internships and graduation, conditions are set for the assignment, the company or institution and the supervisor of the organisation offering the internship. This section describes the criteria that apply to each of these elements.

Criteria for an assignment

An internship or final assignment must always be seen in relation to the company or institution where the internship takes place. The general criteria for an internship are as follows:

Criteria for the company

The criteria for the company are the following:

Criteria for company supervision

The graduation company must assign a company supervisor to the student. The criteria for the company supervisor are:

The assessment of the above criteria and any other characteristics of a company or company supervisor is done by the internship or graduation coordinator based on his/her knowledge and insight. In case of doubt or disagreement between student and coordinator, a second internship or graduation coordinator will be consulted and the joint opinion of the coordinators will be decisive.

Additional criteria for internship or graduation

For an internship or graduation at an own company or Fontys ICT research group a number of additional conditions are attached as described below.

Criteria internship or graduation within own company

In addition to the regular Fontys ICT criteria for the internship assignment/final assignement and company supervision, the following criteria also apply to internships or graduation within an own company:

Criteria internship or graduation within a Fontys ICT research group

In addition to the regular Fontys ICT criteria for the internship assignment/final assignment and company supervision, the following criteria also apply to internships or graduation within a research group:

see this link for an overview of all Fontys lectureships
To determine whether the complexity of the assignment is sufficient, you can use the “HBO-i Domain Description”. Here you will find the activities expected from an ICT professional (such as analysis, design, etc.), and the architecture layers (such as business processes, software, user interaction). Per architecture layers the levels are defined in the domain description, which gives you a guideline for the required level for your final project.
3) , 4)
With the exception of the internship or final assignment in one's own company, as this is compensated for by other criteria.