Table of Contents

Examination Board

Describes the structure of the Examination Board, the Policy Chamber and the Examination Chambers and indicates how students are accommodated in Examination Chambers.

1. Introduction

The Fontys ICT examination board is composed of a number of examination chambers, namely the policy chamber and a number of executing chambers. The executing chambers consist of a chairman and a secretary. These members are appointed by the managing director in accordance with the Appointment procedure members examination board. The administration of a chamber is carried out by a permanent administrative staff member. The chairmen of the executive chambers are all members of the policy chamber. The policy chamber also includes a secretary, an official secretary, a legal advisor and an external member. View the current composition of the examination board here.

The examination board has internal rules.

The members of the various chambers have certain tasks and must meet certain profiles. In addition to expertise in the study programme, the following substantive areas of attention are distributed among the members of the examination board:

For specific legal expertise (e.g. the drafting of a statement of defence in an appeal procedure), the examination board has a legal member at its disposal. This member may request support from the (legal) staff of the Fontys Dienst Onderwijs en Onderzoek (R&D).

2. Which examination chamber handles a request

Which examination chamber handles an request depends on the nature of that request. A number of categories of requests are handled by a permanent chamber in each case, but other categories are divided in such a way that the workload per examination chamber is approximately equal. Table 1 shows how the different categories are distributed among the examination chambers. If a student recently had a case with one of the examination chambers, new cases of that student are handled by the same chamber.

Table 1
Requests to the various examination chambers classified by category.
Notes: BSc=Bachelor of Science; VT=Voltijd (Full-time).
Eamination chamber Category
A. Fraud cases/accelerated intake Education for Professionals (OvP)
B. Transfers from AD-BSc to BSc-AD
C. Exemptions
D. Dual Degree / Exchange=Minor Abroad / External Minor
E. Change profile
F. Accelerated intake OvP
G. Delta programme admission / Transfer from VT-OvP to OvP-VT

3. Contact

Each examination chamber can be accessed via the examination board portal. For people outside Fontys ICT, the examination board can be contacted at