Appointment procedure members examination board
The appointment of members of the examination board is described.
- Changes in the composition of the examination board itself or of one of the examination chambers will be announced and discussed in the policy chamber
- The examination board makes a proposal to the management for a new or replacement candidate member.
- Managing director appoints the members of the examination board.
- A member is assigned a number of allocation hours to adequately fulfill the role and related tasks. The total allocation for the examination board is discussed by the chairman with the managing director and distributed among the members within the examination board.
- Appointments (including allocated working hours) are announced per management decision (on the Fontys ICT Portal).
- There is only one members list and this is part of the internal regulations. In the TER a reference to this is included.
- Members are appointed for one year at a time. After the first appointment, reappointment takes place for a period of 3 years. After this term, reappointment is possible.
- The current version of the internal rules has been approved by the Management Board.
- The number of working hours allocated is processed in the deployment database by the examination board.