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Complaints procedure

This page describes the procedures, regulations and articles of association that are used within Fontys in the event that students and staff members wish to report complaints.


Complaints may relate to all kinds of matters. When assessing complaints, it is important to know what the applicable regulations, articles of association and regulations are. Fontys has collected all these documents on a clear website student counter. It is advisable to consult this website if you are considering lodging a complaint on a subject.

Complaints procedure for students

We distinguish between different types of complaints, each of which has its own route. It is important to make a distinction between a request for a review, the appeal procedure and the complaints procedure. A request for a review and the appeal procedure are educational in nature and are dealt with by the Examination Board. Complaints are officially dealt with by the managing director.

  1. The review request at the Examination Board is described in the Fontys ICT's TER1).
  2. If a student wishes to appeal against a decision of the Examination Board in appeal, he can appeal to the Examination Appeals Board, Cobex.
  3. Complaints about undesirable behaviour, bullying and intimidation. A safe feeling is a fundamental right for students and employees of Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity. When someone feels that there is bullying, intimidation, sexual harassment, racism, discrimination, aggression or violence, it is important to react quickly. Even if there is violence or a threat of violence in the domestic sphere of students. Fontys has a website confidential persons where anyone can go with questions or complaints about confidential matters.
  4. For all other complaints, Fontys ICT has set up a procedure on the Fontys ICT portal:
    • The link takes you to the Fontys ICT portal, where you can fill in a complaint form;
    • The completed form will be sent to the Operations Manager mailbox or to the Fontys ICT legal expert;
    • The question is processed and the student is informed of the progress.

Complaints procedure for employees

If an employee has a complaint about a subject, we first expect this complaint to be discussed with the person directly involved. If this is not possible or does not lead to an adequate solution, you can contact your manager or, ultimately, the managing director. If an employee prefers not to discuss his complaint or issue with a direct colleague, contact can be made with one of the Fontys Confidential Persons.

Complaints about undesirable behaviour, bullying and intimidation. A safe feeling is a fundamental right for students and employees of Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity. When someone feels that there is bullying, intimidation, sexual harassment, racism, discrimination, aggression or violence, it is important to react quickly. Even if there is violence or a threat of violence in the domestic sphere of students. Fontys has a website confidential persons where anyone can go with questions or complaints about confidential matters.

Also in this Fontys ICT wiki is a page about confidential persons.

In article 27 - Request for revision of the TER