Terms and concepts

This page describes where you can find the current Fontys ICT glossary and who is responsible and accountable for applying the correct terms in various communications.


Within Fontys ICT, developments are constantly taking place and being renewed. New concepts emerge and old concepts fall out of use. This is the result of changes in the curriculum or in the organisational structure, for example. It is important to always use the current terms unambiguously in formal situations.


There is an up-to-date list of concepts and terms, which is used for all translations of Fontys ICT texts. This list can also be applied (automatically) when using DeepL Translator for translations. A condensed version of this list, with most of the important terms can be found here. In accordance with the Fontys ICT language policy, texts for employees are provided bilingually (English and Dutch) and educational materials are largely in English.


Table 1 shows who is responsible and accountable (in which role) for the use of the correct terms and concepts.

Table 1
Overview of those responsible for the unambiguous use of terms.
Who What
Editors UPDATE Communication all colleagues
Editors Wiki Policy Wiki
Team M&C Website / informational material
Executive Secretariat Overview of “employees' roles”
Student Desk Information systems / diploma cycle
II&A Rename email addresses
Programme Managers Curriculumdatabase and programme guides
PLOU and PLOO Canvas
Lawyer TER
Managing director Institute Participation Council (IPC) (IMR)
Information Manager Fontys ICT portal (Employee Square and Student Square)