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en:beleid:opleidingsgids [2022/03/08 15:46]
Croes,Lilian L.M. verwijderd vanwege niet meer van toepassing
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-====== Programme guide ====== 
->//This page describes what the programme guide is, what it's function is and where to find it. It is also explained how the programme guide is called within the different study programme variants//. 
-===== 1. Why a programme guide? ===== 
-The programme guide is used by the full-time study programme in Dutch to inform students about the content of the upcoming education period. The FHICT programme guide(s) can be viewed on [//Correct reference will follow (ed.)//]. 
-For the part-time study programme, the English-language full-time study programme and the Associate degree, documents are in use that have the same function and status as the programme guide for the Dutch-language full-time programme. The names of the documents are different. When using the term programme guide, all the document names listed in Table 1 are meant. 
-> **Table 1**  
-> //Document names for the programme guide for study programme variants FHICT and Associate degree.//\\ 
-^ Used document name ^Study programme variant and study programme Associate degree ^ 
-| Opleidingsgids| Full-time (bachelor degree study programmes as well as Brede Associate degree) | 
-| [[..:beleid:Study guide English Stream|Study Guide]] | English Stream | 
-| Studiewijzer | Part-time (bachelor degree study programmes as well as intended Brede Associate degree) | 
-| Handleiding (per semester)   | Current Smalle [[..:beleid:Associate degree|Associate degree]] (ICT Service Management) programme | 
-===== 2. Scope of the programme guide ===== 
-The programme guide describes a unit of study (OE), i.e. a period in which education is offered. This usually concerns a period of one semester. The purpose of the programme guide is to inform the student about the coming education and all associated educational activities. 
-The substantive requirements for the study guide - collectively referred to as the Information Format - are described for each subject or field of expertise separately in the [[..:beleid:curriculumdatabase|Curriculum Database]].  
-A programme guide is basically about one unit of study as described in the [[..:beleid:OER|TER]].  
-===== 3. Relationship FHICT Programme Guide and the Curriculumdatabase ===== 
-The information in the Curriculum Database for all subjects and fields of expertise together is referred to as the **Programme Guide FHICT**. This programme guide formally forms a whole with the [[https://fontys.nl/Over-Fontys/Regelingen-statuten-en-reglementen/Onderwijs-en-examenregelingen-OER/Fontys-Hogeschool-ICT.htm|TER and can be viewed as an appendix on the Fontys Portal]]. 
-Rights can be derived from the programme guide. This can also not be changed after publication, except with an addendum signed by the managing director. At least 2 weeks before the start of the semester, the guide will be generated from the [[..:beleid: Curriculumdatabase|Curriculumdatabase]].   
-Semester guides are seen as exponents of the current [[..:beleid:OER|TER]] and provide guidance for students.  
-===== 4. Creation of the semester guides ===== 
-The programme guide is produced under the responsibility of the [[..:beleid:rolbeschrijving_projectleider_onderwijsuitvoering|Project Leader Programme Implementation]] (PLOU).  
-===== 5. Publication ===== 
-The PLOU ensures that the signed programme guide is published at least 1 week prior to the start of the education published on [//correct reference will follow (ed.)]//. 
-In addition, the PLOU ensures that a link is made to this new programme guide from the [//correct source. (ed.)//] of the relevant unit of study, so that it can also be made easily accessible to the students.  
-The programme guide will be published on the [[https://fontys.nl/Over-Fontys/Regelingen-statuten-en-reglementen/Onderwijs-en-examenregelingen-OER/Fontys-Hogeschool-ICT.htm|Fontys website]] as an appendix to the TER and on the [[https://portal.fhict.nl/Studentenplein/Documenten%20rondom%20studievoortgang/Alle%20Onderwijs-%20en%20examenregelingen.aspx|page of the TER on the FHICT portal]] at the latest 1 week before the start of the education. 
-{{tag>Standard2A Curriculum}}