Guidelines for travel inland
A distinction is made between business travel and commuting. This page provides information about the allowance for business travel in time and costs and how you can claim allowance as a lecturer or employee.
If you travel for business on behalf of the employer, this is also referred to as a business trip. Business travel is not the same as commuting. Fontys offers a wide range of facilities and arrangements for travelling for work. See the page of Fontys flexible travel. This wiki page explains the additional regulations that Fontys ICT applies with respect to travel cost allowances and business trips.
In principle, business travel begins and ends at the workplace and are made on behalf of the employer. An allowance will be granted for the business trip undertaken. The starting point is that you use the Mywheels shared car or travel by public transport. If you are travelling on a business trip with your own car, you should consult the route planner of Routenet to determine the number of kilometers, based on the most optimal route from your workplace to the destination.
For the allowance of business travel, a distinction is made between time and costs.
Allowance in time (for lecturers)
If your location is Eindhoven and you have to teach at Fontys ICT in Tilburg, 1 hour travel time will be included in the allocation. The employee must indicate this to his People Manager (PM). The People Manager ensures that this is recorded in the allocation system.
Allowance of expenses
- When using public transport: the cost of travel by normal public means of transport in the most usual way, in the least costly way for the employer, in so far as the employer considers it necessary to use such means of public transport;
- If you use your own motor vehicle: the costs calculated on the basis of the fixed rate of € 0.21 net per kilometer.
- The costs of parking, tolls, navigation fees and fines are for your own account, as well as the insurance of your own car;
- Subsistence expenses reasonably incurred as a result of the nature of the business trip shall be reimbursed. The amounts referred to in Article 5 of the Travel Scheme Domestic apply as the norm for the maximum reimbursable accommodation costs;
- Should any material damage occur during the business trip, costs will not be borne by Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
You claim the business trip in the month following the month in which you made this trip via your Interaction Center in HR2day. You add any evidence digitally. If the claim form has been approved and received digitally at the latest on the 10th day of the month at the HR Service Center, it will be paid out at the end of the same month (example: by 10 May received at the latest, payment with the salary for May).