European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Describes the general rules for study load and explains terms such as ECTS, EC and SBU

Study load

Since the introduction of the bachelor-master (BaMa) structure, the study load has been expressed in the international European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which makes the value assignment of internationally acquired subjects comparable. In the Netherlands, the BaMa structure in higher education was introduced in the academic year 2002-2003.

One academic year (1680 study hours) corresponds to 60 ECTS credits (EC). One credit therefore represents 28 study load hours (SBU). A HBO (higher professional education) bachelor's study programme in the Netherlands consists of 4 years of study, i.e. 240 credits according to the ECTS system. A credit is also known under the old name study credit and is also abbreviated to EC.