Development cycle

Explanation of how the development cycle works and interviews with employees conducted in this context between the Fontys ICT colleague and his People Manager or Team Manager. There are some differences with regard to the agreements and procedures for regular employees and for new employees of Fontys ICT.


The Fontys ICT Vision on Employees describes, “Our employees are the heart of our organisation. They are the performers and supporters of our social task: educating young people, connecting them to the professional field. In our talent-oriented vision on employees, personal interviews and attention to the individual are very important. An important tool for talent development are the interviews that take place in all kinds of contexts. Interviews between manager and employee, between employees, between employees and students, between employees and cooperation partners, etc.”

Chapter N of the Collective Agreement for Universities of Applied Sciences (CAO-hbo) stipulates that the employer must develop an assessment system 1). Within Fontys, the development cycle has been implemented in this context.

Development cycle and interviews

An agile and talent-oriented Fontys requires employees who are capable of lifelong development, so that they can adapt to the changes within and outside Fontys. It is therefore important to have regular (at least three times a year) discussions about the match between the employee and the organisation. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1
Match between the employee and the organisation, goal is to achieve the optimal situation for both.

The interviews are future-oriented. This means that the focus is not just on looking back at what a staff member has done in the past year and how he can improve himself, but rather looking at professional development, development of talents, career and personal leadership. The purpose of the interviews is to discuss the following:

  • How is the employee doing?
  • What is the state of the employee's allocation and employability?
  • What can be done, both from the perspective of the employee and Fontys ICT, to achieve an optimal situation in this respect?


  1. In the autumn: a development-oriented interview in which the academic year is looked ahead and possible development is made concrete and in which training time can be substantiated;
  2. Mid-term: a short interview, in which the focus is on progress and practical matters;
  3. In spring, before the summer holidays: a development interview in which the past year and the employee's development are briefly reviewed. In this meeting, the appreciation of the employee's contribution takes shape. The employee contributes his or her own input and, for lecturers, the lecturer evaluations are additional input. In the more extensive development interview, specific attention is paid to professionalisation agreements, sustainable employability and working from home (fixed topics in accordance with the regulations for the Development Cycle, Collective Labour Agreement for Higher Professional Education (CAO-HBO)).

Of course, it is possible to intensify the number of interviews as needed (or if necessary). Employee and manager are equal discussion partners (and thus both contribute topics). In addition, there is a growth mindset: being open and thinking in terms of possibilities and opportunities rather than obstacles.

Periodic increase

No performance review takes place with employees who perform “well”. They automatically receive a periodic increase on 1 August (provided there is room in the scale). However, an employee can request an assessment interview. The employee can submit a request for this to his PM, who must ensure that the assessment interview still takes place within three months.

Excellent assessment

Employees who function well above the expected job level may be eligible for an excellent assessment. This is signalled by the PM (based on input from the organisation), but the employee may also take the initiative himself. In this case, the employee prepares his own assessment, substantiating why he thinks he qualifies for an excellent assessment. An assessment interview is then held and recorded in HR2Day. If the employee is assessed as excellent, he will receive two increments (up to the maximum of the salary scale) on 1 August.

Unsatisfactory assessment

Employees who lag behind in their development and therefore perform inadequately can be assessed as unsatisfactory. However, this should never come as a surprise to the employee. The PM signals in time that extra effort is needed to bring functioning and development back to the right level. And takes the initiative for a discussion. If the performance nevertheless leads to an unsatisfactory assessment, the PM conducts an assessment interview with the employee concerned before 1 July, in which the assessment is explained with reasons and after which it is recorded in HR2Day.

The employee will then not receive a periodic increase from 1 August. An improvement plan is also drawn up. This also sets out the concrete agreements and actions to be taken to realise the desired improvement. During the improvement process, the People Manager holds regular progress meetings with the employee, possibly supported by HR. If the desired improvement has occurred, the normal development cycle can be resumed. If no improvement has occurred then a discussion on the alternatives will take place.


The agreements made in the interviews are recorded in HR2Day. Forms for both the development interview, assessment interview and improvement plan are available in HR2Day.

Development cycle and interviews new employees

Fontys ICT aims to provide each new employee with customised guidance. At the end of the temporary contract, it must be possible to make a well-founded decision on a permanent appointment. This is a far-reaching decision with major legal consequences. Experiences and images of performance in the first year often cast their shadow ahead. By regularly discussing with employees how they find their place within Fontys ICT, adjustments can be made in time, if necessary. Completion of Basic-level Teaching Qualification (BKO) is also necessary for obtaining a permanent appointment (for educational staff (OP)).

If it is decided not to make a permanent appointment, this should never come as a surprise to the employee. After all, many employees give up another permanent job for a career in education. We must handle this with care. In a few cases, Fontys ICT, the employee or both will decide that it is not wise to proceed to a permanent appointment. The employee will then be entitled, on the basis of the feedback received in the first year, to be assisted in giving direction to his career after Fontys ICT. Fontys ICT therefore opts for several progress interviews and one assessment interview (after 3, 5 and 10 months respectively). This cycle is continued in the 2nd year of a two-year contract.

Progress Interviews

The People Manager (PM) is responsible for the planning and content of the progress interviews. The progress interviews with the new employee take place no later than 3 months and 5 months after the start of employment. The purpose of the interviews is to take stock in between. The People Manager gives feedback on the new employee's performance and the employee shares his (first) experiences.

Additional agreements are made if necessary. The starting point is the job profile and the competences required for the job. It is important that the interview takes place in an open atmosphere and that it focuses on development; of course we look back, but the focus is on the future. Progress interviews are conducted by the People Manager.


A form has been developed to ensure the interviews are structured. The form allows the People Manager and employee to prepare for the interviews. The People Manager sends the form to the employee in advance so that the employee can prepare for it. By the way, the People Manager can expect this preparation from the employee because the interview is a two-way street.

After the first interview, an appointment is preferably made immediately for the second interview. The standard form is designed to provide space for an interview report of all interviews. The People Manager draws up an interview report and sends a copy to the employee. A copy to the managing director is not necessary at this stage. If the People Manager believes that the employee's performance raises concerns, the People Manager discusses this with the Manager People and HR.

Assessment interview

A formal assessment interview takes place at least two months before the end of the temporary contract. The purpose of the assessment interview is to give a well-founded opinion on the new employee's performance so that a decision can be taken on whether or not to continue the employment contract. The interview takes place between the People Manager and the employee. The People Manager's opinion is the basis of the advice to the managing director. The employee signs off but retains the option to object to the People Manager's opinion. In that case, a follow-up interview is held with the managing director. After the assessment, both interview reports are included in the employee's personnel file in HR2Day.


CAO HBO 2021-2022, Article N Performance and Assessment Interviews. Consulted on 8 April 2022 from