Role description Team Manager Marketing & Communications

Description of the purpose, duties and responsibilities and powers of the Team Manager Marketing & Communications (M&C). In addition, its place in the Fontys ICT organisation is explained. From the role of Team Manager Marketing & Communications, proactive proposals are made to the managing director and the (Extended) Leadership team in terms of (complex) communication issues and the correct profiling of management.


The purpose of the role of Team Manager M&C is to lead the M&C team so that Fontys ICT is provided with the right marketing and communication services, fitting within the Fontys and Fontys ICT strategy.

Duties and responsibilities

The Team Manager M&C:

  • is responsible for the deployment, processes and working methods of the M&C team so that the marketing and communication support is state of the art, matching the ambition of Fontys ICT as an innovative and internationally-focused knowledge institute;
    • the M&C team includes marketing communications consultants, staff, event managers, designers, a web developer, international marketers and support staff;
    • The Team Manager M&C develops a marketing and communications strategy with the team, maintains oversight and monitors the rollout of this strategy.
  • As strategic advisor, is first responsible and point of contact for advising the (Extended) Leadership Team on strategic, tactical and operational communication issues and responsible for delegating this responsibility to the other members of the M&C team;
  • is first point of contact for the central marketing and communications department (Fontys MC&P) of Fontys, coordinating with it the marketing and communications strategy and division of labor and is responsible for delegating this responsibility where appropriate to the other members of the M&C team;
  • is responsible for resource management at team M&C. He secures this by:
    • To (co-)draft, advise on and implement short and long-term staff planning;
    • Selecting and advising on appointments of new colleagues;
    • Securing the introduction and onboarding process of new colleagues;
    • Securing the development cycle for new colleagues with temporary appointments.
  • is responsible for optimal facilitation and coaching of the development of “his” team members. He implements this by:
    • Promoting the personal quality, effectiveness and motivation of team members. Through coaching by the Team Manager M&C, the colleague comes to the optimal use of talents and creation of their own career;
    • Assessing and securing the development cycle for colleagues, which identifies what ambitions, talents, development and training needs colleagues will work on, in order to increase colleagues' sustainable employability;
    • Fulfilling the role of case manager (in the context of Fontys reintegration policy) for incapacitated colleagues on the team: grants sick leave, establishes wage value, makes arrangements for reintegration, takes care of registration and reporting;
  • is responsible for facilitating the career development of colleagues for whom the career is continued outside of Fontys ICT. He implements this by:
    • Secure the interview cycle and reporting on it;
    • Assisting in outplacement processes.


Delegated employership for the above duties and responsibilities. Explaining, giving meaning to delegated employership:

  • That is, in the role of “employer,” the Team Manager M&C's responsibilities include informing colleagues about organization-wide aspects and signing (employment) agreements;
  • Has decision-making authority when escalating deployment-related issues from project leaders (PLs) and or colleagues.

Place in the Organization

The M&C team is part of the Support Department of Fontys ICT. The Team Manager M&C is part of the Coordination Consultation Support. He coordinates the communication strategy with the director, with the Manager Support on a functional and strategic and tactical level, and as regards personnel policy with the PM Support (operational and tactical) and the Manager People (strategic).


  • Managing director
  • Manager Support
  • Other members of the Extended Leadership team (LT, UM, PM, CE, Professors)
  • Project Leaders Educational Implementation and Educational Development (PLOUs and PLOOs).
  • Educational Specialists
  • Other Support Departments (Staff, Student Desk, II&A)
  • HR
  • Fontys Marketing Communications and Public Relations (MC&P)