Attendance and working from home

This page describes the policy for on-site presence and working from home as adopted for Fontys ICT and details the principles we apply when translating this policy into daily practice.


In the educational vision of Fontys ICT, we describe our social-constructivist vision of learning and our student-centred education. In doing so, we indicate that meeting is central to this vision: learning with and from each other. In recent years, mainly due to the corona pandemic, we have experienced that providing education and staying in touch with each other is also possible via all kinds of online channels. Working from home (forced at the time) has also led to experiencing both its disadvantages and advantages. Experiences before and after corona have led to a more explicit formulation of the policy regarding presence and working from home.


The physical meeting creates the connection within which good research and education can be realised and enriched, which is why Fontys ICT colleagues all work on location as much as possible.

What does this mean in practice?

The goal “all working on location as much as possible” means in practice that we assume that every colleague, in principle every working day, goes to one of our education locations to work there, together with colleagues, partners and students. Of course, 'on location' also includes working visits to companies and appointments at other external locations. We take it for granted that you will be on location, unless you have agreed otherwise.

We also expect students to be there at the times when they are scheduled for on-site education. As professionals, colleagues are expected to set an appropriate example and be available and approachable.

In addition, it is important and nice when your close colleagues know where and when you can be reached. That way, you can take questions from others for each other and respond to colleagues who are looking for you. Practically, this can be done by giving each other insight (to a certain extent) into each other's outlook calendar, but also by simply applying to each other when you are not there.

What about working from home?

We recognise and understand that, due to the nature of the work, it is sometimes very pleasant and functional to be able to work at home, in peace and focus. In that case, make arrangements about this with your colleagues and your PM. It is important that everyone feels heard and above all feels at home at the Fontys ICT locations. In consultation, tailor-made arrangements will then be made.


To be able to carry out all types of work on location, the environment must also meet conditions. Not all locations will always be able to meet all requirements. Where possible, adjustments are made. Should you have any additional wishes regarding your workplace on location, your team manager/UM/PM will be your point of contact.

Culture of cooperation together

To realise and maintain the above situation, it is important that we work on it together. Primarily, this means acting in accordance with this policy. And at the same time being prepared to help each other and hold each other to account. In consultation, good solutions can almost always be found, for instance to find a place to concentrate on location.


At the start of each academic year, attention will be drawn to the above-mentioned policy through various channels via the “Working together is how we do it” campaign. It will also be discussed during cluster meetings. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your PM.