Processes at graduation
A new internship schedule will apply for graduation semester 8. On this page, all changes compared to the current schedule are described as well as a complete procedure with all step-by-step instructions. Finally, the applicable learning outcomes for the graduation semester are described.
Below is the graduation schedule that applies from February 2023. Table 1 shows it schematically, including the roles that lecturers fulfil for the semester preceding the graduation internship. An abbreviated name has been linked to the roles. The high-level changes made to the internship semester are explained.
Table 1
Activities in semester prior to graduation.
Note: The following roles and names apply here: Project Leader Programme Implemenation (PLOU) OE8, PLOU General (PLOU ALG), student, Student Desk (SD).
Week no. Fontys | Activity - In semester prior to graduation internship | Who is organising? | Who is involved? |
1-3 | The Mastercourse 'Graduation' will be modified where necessary and II&A will be asked to create the production courses for Eindhoven and Tilburg | PLOU OE8 | PLOU (of all HBO-i layers) |
3-4 | Students who will do their graduation internship next semester will be rescheduled in SVS to the next semester (gross list, assuming they will make it through the current semester) and linked to the appropriate HBO-i layer and PLOU per HBO-i layer and then included in the Canvas production course (Tilburg or Eindhoven). | SD | PLOU OE8 |
6 | Information Graduation | PLOU (per HBO-i layer) | Students |
6-10 | Student chooses as explained during information: HBO-i layer, IT area, language in which they want to be guided (English or Dutch), and Personal Program (in case in previous semesters Open Learning). If a student chooses a different HBO-i layer than estimated based on previous semesters, the PLOUs involved will consult and administrative adjustments will be made in Canvas and SVS | SD | Students |
7-11 | PLOU reviews the choices made by the student. If a student chooses a different HBO-i layer than estimated based on previous semesters the PLOUs involved consult and, if necessary, administrative adjustments are made in Canvas (section of HBO-i layer and coordinator) and in SVS | PLOU (of all HBO-i layers) | SD |
7-15 | Recruitment of graduation internships and completion of project proposals | Student | |
15-19 | Review, discussion and approval of project proposal | PLOU | 2nd reviewer and graduate |
20 | Linking lecturers to graduation internships, based on the lecturer's knowledge of the IT field of the graduation internship | PLOU |
The information of Table 1 is used for the instructional steps of the procedure described below in Table 2.
Table 2
Conditions for determining the HBO-i layer as default choice in Semester 6 and 7 for profiles and specialisations.
Condition | Default choice |
If in S6 or in S7 a profile: | Profile –> HBO-i layer |
If not: | |
If in S6 or in S7 one of the following specialisations: | |
Artificial Intelligence | Software |
Creative Technology | User Interaction |
Cyber Security | Infrastructure |
Game Design & Technology | User Interaction |
Smart Industry and IoT | Hardware Interaction |
Smart Mobile | User Interaction |
If none of the above: | Leave the choice open |
Table 3 shows the new planning for the graduation semester itself.
Table 3
Activities during the semester of the graduation internship.
Note: The following roles and names apply here: PLOU (per HBO-i layer a responsible PLOU for OE8),Comp (Company supervisor), Ass1 (Fontys supervisor & Semester Coach), student, Ass2 (2nd Assessor), External expert, UM (Operations Manager).
Week no. Fontys | Activity | Who is organising? | Who is involved? |
0 | 1. Kick-off meeting | PLOU OE8 | PLOU OE8 and students |
0-1 | 2. Meet and greet | Ass1 and student | |
1-3 | 3. Feedback project plan | Student | Ass1, Comp and student |
3-5 | 4a. First company visit | Student | Ass1, Comp and student |
3-5 | 4b.Indicate whether the session is confidential | Ass1 | Ass1, Comp en student |
3-5 | 5a. Calibration project plan | Ass1 | Ass1 and Ass2 |
3-5 | 5b. Lecturers' meeting project plan | PLOU OE8 | PLOU OE8 and assessors |
1-17 | 6a. Weekly update | Student | Ass1 and student |
3-17 | 6b. Feedback professional products | Student | Ass1 and student |
7-9 | 7. Lecturer intervision (especially research, portfolio design, progress, assessement analysis results previous semester) | PLOU OE8 | PLOU OE8 and assessors |
10 | 8. Information and Q&A about the further course of graduation | PLOU OE8 | PLOU OE8 and students |
10 | 9. Mid-term review graduation internship | Ass1 | Ass1+Comp+Ass2+student |
10-15 | 10a. Feedback draft portfolio | Student | Ass1 and student |
15-16 | 10b. Feedback final portfolio | Student | Ass1 and student |
15-16 | 11. Lecturer-intervision (especially portfolio) | PLOU OE8 and assessors | |
17-18 | 12. Second company visit | Student | Ass1 , Comp and student |
17-19 | 13a. Preliminary discussion about student's grading | Ass1 + Ass2 | |
18-19 | 13b. Calibration about student's grading (with 4-6 assessors) | One of the assessors | Involved assessors |
19-20 | 14. Graduation Sessions | UM (040 + 013) | PLOU OE8, lecturers, students, external expert, Comp |
With effect from spring 2023, the following changes have been made to the graduation semester:
- New learning outcomes (see the last paragraph of this page).
- All students submit a portfolio, in accordance with the assessment policy.
- Graduation session will be replaced by a graduation expo and afterwards (at least 1 day later) an assesment in which the final assessment will be determined. For details see page graduation assessment.
- Formative assessment by Ass1 and Comp based on learning outcomes (assessment as learning); summative assessment by Ass1 and Ass2 with input from external expert; Ass1 calibrates with Ass2 at project plan, halfway through and just before assessment.
- Meetings may be physical or online, based on the preference of all parties involved and the availability of meeting space; students may work from home (occasionally) if the company deems it appropriate.
- FeedPulse is introduced as a tool for logging feedback within the graduation internship. StudyCoach (purple bar) can be used and also depends on whether it was used in previous semesters for the student in question. All feedback is logged in Canvas, not via email.
1. Kick-off meeting
Ass1 can attend the kick-off meeting to get the same information as the students, slides will be published on Canvas.
2. Introduction
Ass1 plans a meeting with each student individually or with all students assigned at the same time in order to get to know each other, discuss the assignment and make agreements about communication. Ass1 gathers information about the student, via StudyCoach (purple bar) and StudentVolg (contact mentor or Student+ if necessary). Note that in this first conversation you can also determine whether extra help from Student+ is needed during graduation, see also Course Student Guidance.
3. Feedback project plan
Student delivers draft version of project plan in Canvas after it has been approved/reviewed by Comp. Ass1 gives feedback on project plan in Canvas. In most cases, the project plan will now be ready for completion during the first site visit. In some cases, separate meetings between Ass1 and student will be required before the first site visit to iterate the project plan more than once.
4. First vist at the company
Ass1 advises the student that a company visit can be planned if the project plan is ready in at least its first version. The student organises the company visit. During the company visit, Ass1 and Comp get to know each other and discuss the project plan. Ass1 explains to Comp the planning for the rest of the graduation process.
5. Calibration project plan and lecturers’ meeting
After the first company visit, the student finishes the project plan and hands it in to Canvas. Ass1 asks Ass2 to check the project plan to see if the assignment and the planned approach correspond with the learning outcomes of OE8, see the last paragraph of this page. Ass2 explicitly does not need to do a complete review of the project plan but only assesses the assignment. Ass2 advises Ass1, Ass1 communicates with the student and sets the project plan to “Complete” in Canvas. So Ass2 does not put anything in Canvas, Ass1 does that. The student does not need to make a new project plan, but can take Ass2's advice (as communicated by Ass1) into account when carrying out the assignment and in the final report/presentation. The PLOU OE8 organises a meeting with all assessors to calibrate the findings of the project plan with the whole group of lecturers.
6. Weekly update and feedback deliverables
Student informs Ass1 weekly and student and Ass1 have a conversation at least once every fortnight. All information/feedback/feed forward is logged in Canvas, preferably in Feedpulse (by the student). Student can ask Ass1 to assess or discuss professional products. Student submits the professional products in Canvas and Ass1 logs feedback in the corresponding assignment, online or in assignment comments.
7. Lecturer intervision including assessment analysis
Around week 7 the PLOU OE8 organises an intervision in which all assessors are involved and the guidance towards the students is discussed. In addition, a assessment analysis of the portfolios and assessments from the previous semester takes place. All assessors are involved and assess at least one portfolio from the previous semester. At least one portfolio with U, S, and G/O is included in the assessment (so minimum 3 portfolios). The PLOU OE8 collects and archives the results of the assessment analysis in the assessment file.
8. PLOU's interim presentation
Ass1 can attend interim meeting to get same information as students, slides will be published in Canvas.
9. Midterm review
Around week 10, the student evaluates himself and asks the supervisor of the company for feedback. This is recorded in Canvas (assignment with forms). If necessary, Ass1 organises a short online meeting with the company supervisor to discuss progress. Ass1 and Ass2 organise a meeting with their students (suggestion: max 4 students per meeting) to discuss progress and interim feedback.
10a. Feedback draft portfolio
Student submits intermediate versions in Canvas for feedback. Ass1 logs feedback in Canvas for at least one intermediate version of the whole portfolio. For more detailed feedback, student asks Ass1 specific questions (“is this research question formulated correctly?”, “is this diagram comprehensible?”). Ass1 and student have at least one meeting to discuss content (which professional products?) and structure (full project report with few attachments or shorter process description with more attachments) of the portfolio that best fits the assignment.
10b. Feedback final portfolio
The student submits a final draft version of the portfolio (more than 90% complete) to Canvas around week 15-16. Ass1 provides detailed feedback on this version of the portfolio, allowing the student to complete the portfolio for delivery in week 17. This feedback is recorded in Canvas.
11. Lecturer Intervision Portfolio
The PLOU OE8 organises a meeting with all assessors around week 15 to learn from each other and calibrate the findings of the portfolio with the whole group of lecturers.
12. Second visit at the company
The second company visit takes place after delivery of the portfolio in week 17. The student organises the meeting. The meeting has the following agenda:
- Presentation by student; for this part other people of the company can be invited. At least the company coach and Ass1 are present.
- Discussion between Ass1 and Comp about final assessment for the student (filling in assessment form together). Ass1 is in charge, Comp advises. Student and possibly others from the company are not present.
- Feedback for Fontys ICT; Ass1 asks Comp for feedback on Fontys ICT including his/her own role.
- Feedback from Ass1 to student about presentation and preparation for final assessment - CompCoach does not need to be present.
13. Calibration final assessment
Ass1 sends assessment form to Ass2. Ass2 reviews portfolio and calibrates with Ass1 on final assessment form. Ass1 prepares the final assessment form for assessment. Some details may remain open and will be determined after the assessment. Ass1 advises the student on these points before the assessment.
PLOU OE8 asks Ass1/Ass2 groups to organise a calibration meeting to discuss the students with a focus on students where assessment is less clear. PLOU OE8 appoints a chairperson of the meeting who will send the minutes of this calibration meeting to PLOU OE8.
14. Graduation session
Graduation session including preparation as described at this page.
Learning Outcomes Graduation
Learning Outcome 1: Professional Duties
You carry out the professional duties on a bachelor level resulting in deliverables in line with the IT-area you are working in.
Learning Outcome 2: Situation-Orientation
You apply your previously acquired knowledge and skills in a new and authentic context to deliver relevant and valuable results for the project and company.
Learning Outcome 3: Future-Oriented Organisation
You explore the organisational context of your project, make business, sustainable and ethical considerations and manage all aspects of the execution of the project.
Learning Outcome 4: Investigative Problem Solving
You take a critical look at your project from different perspectives, identify problems, find an effective approach and arrive at appropriate solutions.
Learning Outcome 5: Personal Leadership
You are enterprising around your projects and personal development, you pay attention to your own learning ability and keep in mind what kind of IT professional and/or what type of positions you aspire to.
Learning Outcome 6: Targeted Interaction
You determine which partners play a role in your project, collaborate constructively with them and communicate appropriately to achieve the desired impact.