Table of Contents

Role description People Manager

A description of the purpose, tasks and responsibilities of the People Manager (PM). The PMs are responsible for the optimal deployment of Fontys ICT's human resources, through a talent-driven and colleague-centred approach, based on servant leadership.


The purpose of the people management role is to develop and optimally deploy the human resources within Fontys ICT. Human resources are developed in the spirit of Fontys ICT's culture and principles. The PM does this by recruiting and selecting new colleagues and coaching and facilitating the development of the Fontys ICT professional. He fulfils this role based on the principle of 'servant leadership'. The PM works closely with Fontys ICT's HR department in carrying out the role.

Tasks and responsibilities

The PM is (as part of the PM-group, jointly) responsible for resource management at Fontys ICT. He's guaranteeing this though:

The PM is responsible for optimal facilitation and coaching of the development of 'his' team members. He implements this by:

The PM is responsible for facilitating the career development of colleagues whose careers will continue outside Fontys ICT. He implements this by:


Delegated employer for the above tasks and responsibilities . Explaining, giving meaning to delegated employment:
