Table of Contents

Trainee programme Junior Lecturers

This page describes the trainee programme for junior lecturers within Fontys ICT. It explains the reason and purpose, the content and set-up of the programme; the terms of employment, hours and tasks. The application procedure for the trainee programme is also explained.

Reason and purpose

At Fontys, we believe “growth through attention and challenge” is important. For students and for employees.

Fontys ICT has been a growing institute for years, both in terms of students and faculty population. In order to be able to see the growing population of students receive the best fitting tailor-made education, it is of great importance to let the teaching population grow along with it. The connection between student and lecturer is one of the spearheads of the Fontys ICT educational vision: “We offer every student a tailor-made study, focusing on what the student is good at or wants to become even better at. The education stimulates qualities, talents and ambitions. In education, students are motivated and coached to be enterprising and inquisitive”.

Students need lecturers they can identify with. This is why Fontys ICT wants to set up the trainee programme for junior lecturers from spring 2023. Initially for a maximum of five trainees. In doing so, we offer the trainees group supervision and intervision in the trainee programme provided by the educationists. The aim is to train the various young professionals to become lecturer-researchers. By doing so, Fontys ICT hopes to make its lecturer population larger, broader and more inclusive and increase student bonding.

Content and structure of programme

The traineeship is a learning-by-doing programme in which the young professional is part of a teaching team or research team. In addition, the young professional is part of a community of trainees. The following elements are included in the development programme:

Employment conditions

Fontys ICT offers a trainee programme for the duration of (a maximum of) 2 years. The trainee will receive an employment contract based on the Collective Agreement for Universities of Applied Sciences (Cao-hbo) for the duration of one year with the option to extend for a further year. The contract is based on article D4 of the CAO and is therefore a so-called 'D4' contract. Fontys ICT offers an appointment of 1.0 FTE in the position of Docent 3 (= Junior Lecturer).

The Fontys generic function house defines the position of Docent 3 and includes the following core activities:

Terms and conditions of employment based on the cao-hbo

Application procedure trainee programme

The first interview with the applicant will take place with a PM and project leader of a Fontys ICT lectureship. In case of a positive first interview, the second interview will be with a PLOU and a colleague involved in research in educational practice. A third and final interview will then take place if both the first and second interviews are found to be positive.

The purpose of the third interview is to establish the trainee programme in the Form Trainee Programme Fontys ICT. Together with the PM, the profile description of the trainee is described and the activities regarding education and professionalisation are made concrete. Subsequently, the terms of employment are discussed with HR in the third interview.