Purchasing process

On this page you will also find a reference to the place on the employee section of the Fontys ICT portal where purchase requests can be submitted.

The purchasing process

All purchase requests ('inkoopaanvraag') must be made through the purchasing process. Administrative processing takes place via a purchase request.

The steps in the workflow can be followed on the Purchasing System page.

Requests up to € 1,000

Purchase orders up to 1,000 euros are immediately forwarded to the relevant order manager after approval.

Requests up to € 10,000

The following principles apply to purchase requests _up to_ an amount of € 10,000.


  • Every activity is linked to a project. That means that every purchase request can also be linked to a project.
  • Only project leaders can make a purchase request, (Excepted categories: Personal ICT Budget (PIB) and professionalisation).
  • Each project has a (Extended) Leadershipteam member who can assess the content of the request. In the case of IT applications, the substantive assessment of the quality (after approval by a (Extended) Leadershipteam member) is also done by II&A.
  • The project leader fills in for which project this request is. Project leaders may have several projects under his/her responsibility and the same applies to (Extended) Leadershipteam members.
  • Project leaders know who the (Extended) Leadershipteam member is and select him/herself when submitting the request. For professionalisation requests, the employee himself chooses his People Manager.
  • Categories have fixed orderers.
  • If the request is for more than € 1,000, (Planning & Finance) P&F must also give its approval.
  • In case of a request involving the category IT material, it is possible to consult the 'inventory list' from II&A to see if we already have something similar in stock.

Examples purchase materials

Education project order
Request for material S2 DB Software has to be made by the respective PLOU. They enter the name of their project and select the Demand Based Operation Manager to approve the request.

Research project order
The project leader of a funding project that comes under the High Tech Embedded Software research group wants to organise an event for his project. The category to be chosen for this is: Events. The correct ordering party is linked to this category (M&C). 'Approve by' is the relevant professor. After approval by the professor, P&F approves it again and the ordering party is notified that it may be organised. In this case, the organisation/ordering is usually done in consultation with the project leader.

Open-Up theme order
The project leader of Open-Up theme Research & Development would like to arrange a lunch for a meeting. The category to be selected is: Catering. 'Approved by' is given by the (Extended) Leadershipteam member responsible for this Open-Up theme. After this approval, the person ordering the catering category is notified that the lunch can be arranged.

Requests above € 10,000

For purchases over €10,000, Planning & Finance (P&F) should be contacted before submitting a purchase request.


The employee discusses in advance with his/her People Manager whether the professionalisation request is approved. The employee then makes the purchase request and has it 'Approved by' his/her People Manager. Requests over €1,000 still need to be approved by P&F.

The employee fills in a specific PIB request through the usual form. II&A checks whether this application fits the employee in question in his or her PIB. II&A has a signal function in this respect. If the request does not fit in the employee's PIB, it is the employee's responsibility to request permission from his or her People Manager. II&A then enters the purchase request. Requests above 1,000 euro are still approved by P&F.