Allocation process

The allocation process for teaching and project tasks is described on this page. Central to the allocation process is the employee who is personally responsible for his allocation, within the determined deployment agreements. Project leaders and Project Leaders Educational Implementation (PLOU)'s allocate deployment on the basis of allocation hours budget. The allocation process aims to distribute the work as evenly as possible among colleagues. Allocation hours are a generic estimation of the workload of a task. They will almost never correspond exactly to individual hours actually worked.


The allocation is entered into the allocation system by project leaders and Project Leader Educational Implementation (PLOU). They receive an allocation hours budget that they can use for the necessary tasks to be carried out. Once all the allocation have been processed, the People Manager (PM) will look at the exploitation of the employee and possibly make adjustments, in cooperation with the employee, to create a good distribution of tasks within the team. More detail can be found on the page on allocation and scheduling process.

Allocation hours budget determination

The budgets for the next semester are determined on the basis of the established allocation agreements and the student forecasts.

Reservation of allocation

The Project Leader Educational Implementation (PLOU) or project leader enters the tasks to be carried out in the allocation system, together with the number of hours and the desired employee.

Establishment of the allocation

The employee is responsible for a balanced and feasible package of tasks. The overview of the allocation in this report can be helpful in this respect.

The basic principle is that the employee arranges the allocation roughly every semester in such a way that it matches with his annual task 1) on the basis of the Cao-hbo. The personal annual task is visible in the allocation system. If the allocation does not correspond with the number of hours to be worked on the basis of the annual task, the employee consults with the Team Leader and the Project Leader Educational Implementation (PLOU).


The employee is responsible for making the allocation appropriate to the annual task. The basic principle is to make an allocation that is feasible in the period and size of the appointment. Only for the employees for whom the salary is determined in one of the scales 1 to 10 and who work overtime at the request of Fontys ICT there may be compensation for overtime, granted (either in time or in money).
Conditions for this are:

  • The People Manager (PM) has agreed to the overtime prior to the semester in question.
  • Compensation takes place at the end of a semester when all hours have actually been worked.

Allocation system and HR policy

The Fontys ICT HR policy describes a vision to give a broader framework to the implementation of one's own allocation.

Click on the icon for more HR instruments.

In the Cao-hbo), the term annual task is mentioned under the term Normal Year task: annual task of 1659 hours. The term 'annual task' shall also be understood: the number of hours to be worked on the basis of the appointment size.