Guidelines travel abroad

Description of the guidelines and steps to be followed by Fontys ICT employees when travelling abroad for Fontys ICT .

Procedure and guidelines when travelling internationally

If you wish to go on an international trip for Fontys, it must first be approved. This requires the following steps:

  • Submit a purchase request ('inkoopaanvraag') via the purchasing process (button 'Inkoopaanvraag');
  • Filling in the form and choosing the employee responsible, depending on the purpose of the trip. Figure 1 shows who you need to contact to submit an 'inkoopaanvraag';
  • Once approved, send your travel options to The trip will then be booked through Fontys' procurement agent; Diversity Travel;
  • You will be notified by the Fontys ICT secretariat with a proposal. Once you have agreed to the proposal to definitively book the trip, you will fill in the form travel insurance Fontys. N.B. if it concerns a study trip with students, the travel insurance will be arranged jointly for the students and accompanying lecturer(s).
Figure 1
Process for submitting a purchase request (inkoopaanvraag) travel abroad.

The tiles Recruitment and Internationalisation from Figure 1 are explained below.


The Account Manager International Recruitment prepares an annual plan that includes the following components:

  • description of international recruitment activities;
  • which countries and cities are involved;
  • which trade fairs are involved;
  • other activities.

The Account Manager International Recruitment draws up the annual plan together with Fontys ICT's M&C team, the account managers of the same name at other Fontys ICT institutes and with the relevant colleagues at Fontys MC&P. The plan is then coordinated with Finance & Planning at Fontys ICT to check whether it fits within the budget. Finally, it is submitted to the Manager Support for approval.

The person making the trip at the request of the account manager international recruitment sends an email to with all the trip details.

The trips to Zzuli in China are coordinated under 1 large purchase order once a year with the managing director and colleagues from Planning & Finance at Fontys ICT. Once the trip has been processed at the employee's allocation, the travel details can be sent to


‘Internationalisation’ refers to education-related travel, e.g.:

  • (partly) Erasmus-funded trips (applicable for EU and some partner countries);
  • teaching exchanges outside Europe;
  • participation in cooperation projects with universities of applied sciences.

Erasmus funding is for travel within EU countries for education or training activities. For more information on internationalisation, see Study Abroad Fontys ICT.

Day allowance for foreign business trips

The following applies to the reimbursement of accommodation expenses abroad:

Reimbursement of transport to airport in the Netherlands

Travel expenses incurred for transport to and from an airport in the Netherlands must be claimed in accordance with Fontys Travel Expenses Scheme.