Retention periods tests

An overview of the established retention periods of tests, reports, test assignments, response models, etc.

Retention periods

The retention periods of tests, reports, test assignments, response models, etc. are laid down in the TER1). Table 1 shows the retention periods set for each subject (category).

Table 1
Retention periods of test material per subject (category).
Subject Retention period
Completed tests digitally made as well as on paper at least 6 months (possibly longer, if necessary, for an appeal case)
Tests at a final level, papers etc. 7 years
Test assignments or questions and answer models 7 years
Representative set of tests 2 years
Assessement of tests (= list of grades drawn up by the examiner) 10 years

For an extensive table of retention periods, please consult the diagram of Dienst Juridische Zaken.

Storage of documents

Agreements have been made per team about the repositories of the various documents, which are in line with the Fontys ICT policy. The relevant People Manager ensures that the repositories and retention periods are used.