Hiring students

Description of the policy on hiring students on behalf of Fontys ICT. Successively the reason, general frameworks, powers and responsibilities are discussed. This is followed by an explanation of the associated types of work and agreements, and then an explanation of the procedure for hiring students. The page concludes with a brief explanation of monitoring the process, evaluation and reporting.


The number of students doing paid work within Fontys ICT is growing. Students are, increasingly structural as well, working in the following places:

  • ISSD (front desk and lending);
  • PR duties (marketing and open days);
  • Within research projects of research groups (student assistant);
  • Within education (student assistant);
  • As a trainee (from Fontys ICT or another MBO or HBO study programme).

Different frameworks and fees apply to different work. This policy provides clarity on the frameworks we use when hiring students:

  1. General frameworks;
  2. Powers and responsibilities;
  3. Types of work and agreements involved;
  4. Procedure for hiring;
  5. Monitor process, evaluation and reporting.

1. General frameworks

We offer students, whenever possible and functional, the opportunity to do paid work from conduct for the benefit of Fontys ICT. For students, it is attractive to do paid work that is matches the professional field of their studies. Of course, it must be monitored that the paid work remains distinguished from study. Paid work in (for example) research, always stand separate from the regular learning process a student follows. After all, students are hired on skills they already possess and not on what they are still learning. Allocation of students cannot be within the unit of study in which the student is currently studying.
PLEASE NOTE: hiring international students from outside the EU (excluding Switzerland) is not possible, unless this student has a valid work permit. This is also explained on the declaration form on student square. For this group of students we will only hire them through Start People (see boxes above in section 3.1). When in doubt about the work permit must be checked well before the student is allocated to HR-Fontys ICT. are requested.

2. Powers and responsibilities

We want to keep track of the total budget, the number of students, the nature of the work and the nature and number of trainees. Therefore, not every colleague can independently decide To hire students.
Who decides on hiring?1):

  • Work within support: Team Manager in consultation with Manager Support. In case of structural allocation of student assistants (as in ISSD), this responsibility may be delegated to a specific colleague in a support team;
  • Work in education as a teaching assistant: PLOU in consultation with the appropriate Operations Manager (UM);
  • Work within a research project (of a research group): the Lectureship Manager2) in consultation with the relevant Professor.

We have 3 forms in which we can hire students for work, each with its own frameworks and rates.

3.1 Through Start People: student assistants with more or less structural task

These are hired through the employment agency Start People. This is tendered for all of Fontys. and is mandatory.
The work of a student assistant through Start People is characterized by:

  • a. A structurally pre-planned allocation in a work schedule;
  • b. A job content that is different from that of a regular job.

Student assistants contract (with our mediation) with Start People and receive pay by Start People. Fontys ICT-HR colleagues guide this process and provide clear information to students. For non-EU students (without a work permit) Start People must apply for a Work Permit (TWV), this is only possible if the student is does not have a current work permit with another employer. This allocation can be for up to 16 hours per week for the maximum duration of 1 year.
With regard to travel expenses, through Start People the student does not have a standard travel expenses since they can use their ov (public transport) student card. Should they work on a different day or location during, for example, open days, then They can claim travel expenses from Start People.
Students submit their monthly hourly statement to Start People and it will be approved by the Fontys ICT HR employee (currently Angelique Dhondt) or (only for ISSD) by ISSD's coordinator of desk staffing (currently Mark van Diessen).

Compensation for student assistants through Start People is €16.07 gross per hour, regardless of of what work is performed. This is a fixed rate in line with scale 1 of the collective bargaining agreement. For Fontys ICT, hiring a student through Start People costs more, because on top of the salary costs come other costs. However, the rate is still lower than if the student assistant would be hired as a colleague.
This form of hiring is particularly necessary for longer-term allocations such as:

  • ISSD and II&A;
  • Research projects. This requires extra attention to the conditions set by the external subsidy providers. In some cases, an internship contract (see section 3.3) is the only option for allocating students to research;
  • In education as a student assistant.

3.2 Via IB-47 form: occasional work

We pay students we allocate for occasional work through what is known as an IB-47 form, based on declaration of hours worked. Hereby, arrangements are made for travel expenses, to the extent they cannot be met with the student public transport pass. NOTICE: Hiring international students from outside the EU (excluding Switzerland), via IB-47 cannot. Unless this student has a valid work permit. This is also explained on the declaration form on the student square.).

The incidental work of a student assistant is characterized by:

  • a. A limited number of billable hours, over a short period of time;
  • b. Occasional work of varying scope;
  • c. There is no structural allocation in a work schedule.

To avoid having students work through IB-47, for which a contract with Start People is a better fit, we emphasize this distinction.

This form of hiring is particularly appropriate for:

  • PR students;
  • Occasionally with student assistants in education and research.

In principle, if a student supports the lecturer in information activities during class days, this is part of the learning experience and no compensation will be given. If the instructor is of the opinion that compensation is required, UM's approval must be obtained in advance.

The person who decides on the hiring of students (see above paragraph 2 “powers and responsibilities”) ensures that clear agreements are made about the method of declaration. Students themselves fill in a declaration form after carrying out the work and submit it to the Planning & Finance of Fontys ICT responsible for this purpose (currently Arthikan Kanapathippillai) for financial processing.Student+

We always value this hiring with a fee in line with the minimum wage: €13.00 per hour. This is in line with the Fontys policy.

3.3 Students taking internships at Fontys ICT

This is a rapidly growing group. In all kinds of places within Fontys ICT trainees are allocated. These come from Fontys ICT itself, but also from other study programmes.

The way we facilitate internship and the process of applying for internship agreements, is described on the Policy Wiki page Internship at Fontys ICT.

4. Procedure for hiring

To make the application and processing of hiring students simple and straightforward, the proposal to:

  1. To formalize this policy in the LT decision;
  2. To publish in the Policy Wiki this policy in conjunction with the page on internship at Fontys ICT;
  3. From the Policy Wiki, refer to procurement process for an actual request;
  4. In the portal environment of the procurement process, create separate buttons for different types of hiring, including the appropriate forms and references.
  5. HR colleagues provide direct information.

5. Monitoring process, evaluation and reporting

From central staff, insight into the results is provided twice a year:

  • How many students were hired;
  • For what work;
  • At what cost?

This will also include an evaluation:

  • What bottlenecks were experienced;
  • What trend is visible;
  • What are the risks or opportunities for the future?
When hiring international students, always check in advance that they hold a work permit.
The person who coordinates a group of studies. This is not currently a formal role, but this work is being done for the three existing research groups conducted by 3 colleagues