Table of Contents
Regulations and legislation on privacy
A concise summary of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and practical information on the state of affairs at Fontys ICT regarding privacy legislation.
Fontys ICT follows the rules and regulations regarding privacy for employees and students as laid down at Fontys corporate level. Many of the regulations, protocols, standard agreements and procedures in this respect can be consulted on the Fontys website on privacy. Within Fontys ICT the information manager and the education lawyer have an informative and monitoring function.
The Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG), also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), contains a number of principles. For example, collecting data must be based on a principle, care is an important aspect, an organisation is obliged to take technical and organisational measures and the rights of data subjects are explicitly formulated. When personal data is collected for a certain purpose, it cannot be used for other purposes. These principles can be found on the website of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, where you can download the publication AVG in a Notepad (top right under the heading 'Praktische hulpmiddelen').
Practical application in education
Tools are often used in education. Fontys I&T's Software applications page gives an overview of the software available within Fontys and which tools and apps you can use in education. If in doubt, always contact the Fontys ICT Information Manager. The Information Management portal contains an overview of systems and licenses used within Fontys ICT.
Publication of study results
Publication of study results in combination with a person's name is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A student number is also a personal designation, because it is easy to find to whom the student number belongs. According to the GDPR, publishing a list of student numbers and study results in public is not allowed.
The TER 1) regulates the publication of test results.
In practice, this means that as a lecturer you are not allowed to send an e-mail to an entire class with the results of a (formative) test or partial test per student (not even if only the student numbers are mentioned). You may only read or project the results of such a (formative) test in the classroom if the whole class has given permission for this. The (formative) assessments in Canvas can be consulted by students there themselves. There is therefore less and less need to communicate the results by e-mail or in general.
Privacy policy Fontys
Fontys' privacy policy has recently been tightened up, see also the fact sheet Privacy and data protection at Fontys by the ISP-Office.
For more information, see the Fontys page on Information Security and Privacy.